Sunday, February 1, 2009

Survived My First Week On The Job!

I did week down in a 52 week contract! Here are the highlights of my week:

  • I was overseeing a computer lab in a very public older scruffy looking man was in working on his Resume and doing Job Search. At the end of his session, he was talking with me and during the conversation pulled out a bottle of Olive Oil and promptly took two big swigs! I was so surprised i didn't mutter a word....I am thinking that it had to be something other than olive oil in that bottle...cheeky bugger!
  • I was brought in for training in a G.E.D. Lab. It is here that people who have not earned their high school certificates, can write a test to receive their General Education Diploma. They must first brush up on their skills including math, English, science, history and geography. I just learned that I will be tutoring them in all of these subjects including..."gulp"....math! My worst nightmare. Looks like I have to brush up on my algebra, quadratic equations, geometry, and more!
  • My first week, and my department hosted the big Staff Meeting this went well, we showed a Power Point Presentation introducing our department to the rest of the staff and agencies we deal with. We also made treats! I made my specialty...cupcakes, but kept them toned down...lemon cupcakes with chocolate frosting and only a bit of purple colored sugar!
  • One of the groups that I facilitate is in the old Psychiatric hospital which is still a psychiatric hospital today but used only for out patients and the severe/criminally insane! My computer lab is in the basement in a dimly lit old water works room....very creepy, we are talking stuff you find in horror movies!
  • Some of my other groups are old age home, a woman's shelter, a public computer lab, the GED lab, an employment centre, a library, and soon a hospital.
  • I have joined the 25Th anniversary committee of my place of employment. I made a list of ideas to celebrate the anniversary and presented it at our first meeting, and was told by one of them later that I shocked them all...they said they were not used to people in my position (work position) being so eager and prepared!
  • I volunteered for front desk training to help when the receptionist needs a was another worst nightmare...I lost track of how many phone lines there are...I have a fear of phones!
  • One of my co-workers is fond of puns....someone sent me an email this week full of puns and I printed them off and gave them to him as a surprise...he emailed them to the rest of my co-workers and added some to our Power Point Presentation under my name! I am now known as the pun person and I don't even particularly like puns! LOL!

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